Presentations and Publications
International Planetarium Society 2016
- Why Astronomy VisualisationMetadata is a Cool Concept for Planetariums (IPS2016, Warsaw)
Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESO) , Robert L. Hurt (IPAC), Max R. Rößner (ESO), Ryan Wyatt (California Academy of Sciences)
Slides (pdf)
Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007 and 2005
- Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project (CAP2007, Athens)
Adrienne Gauthier (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble) , Robert L. Hurt (Spitzer Science Center), Ryan Wyatt (California Academy of Sciences)
Video (mov) | Slides (ppt) | Conference Proceeedings (pdf)
- VAMP in Stellarium/VirGO: A proof concept (CAP2007, Athens)
Amit Kapadia (ESA/Hubble), Fabien Chéreau (ESO), Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble), Lars Holm Nielsen (ESA/Hubble), Adrienne Gauthier (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), Robert L. Hurt (Spitzer Science Center) & Ryan Wyatt (California Academy of Sciences)
Video (mov) | Slides (pdf) | Conference Proceedings (pdf)
- Sharing Images Intelligently: The Astronomical Visualization Metadata Standard (CAP2007, Athens)
Robert L. Hurt (Spitzer Science Center), Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble), Adrienne Gauthier (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona) & Ryan Wyatt (California Academy of Sciences)
Poster (html) | Conference Proceedings (pdf)
- Moving the Pretty Pictures Into the 21st Century (CAP2005, Munich)
Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble)
Proceedings (pdf)
- Virtual Repository Progress (CAP2005, Munich)
Lars Lingberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble)
Proceedings (pdf)
American Astronomical Society
- Making Images Smart: Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project Astronomy Visualization Metadata (Jan 2010)
Hurt, Robert (Spitzer Science Center), Christensen, L. L. (ESO and the VAMP team)
Slides (pdf)
- AVM and Chandra: An Update on Lessons Learned (Jan 2010)
DePasquale, Joe (Chandra X-ray Observatory), Arcand, Kim (Chandra X-Ray Observatory)
Slides (ppt)
- PinpointWCS (Jan 2010)
Kapadia, Amit (Chandra X-ray Observatory), Bressert, Eli (Chandra X-Ray Observatory)
Slides (pdf)
- Get the Picture: The Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project Hurt (Jan 2007)
Hurt, Robert L. (Spitzer Science Center), Christensen, L. L. (ESA/Hubble), Gauthier, A. (University of Arizona), Wyatt, R. (California Academy of Sciences), Berriman, B. (IRSA/Caltech)
- Sharing Images Intelligently: The Astronomical Visualization Metadata Standard (Jan 2006)
Hurt, Robert L. (Spitzer Science Center), Christensen, L. L. (ESA/Hubble), Gauthier, A. (University of Arizona)
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Smart Images in a Web 2.0 World: The Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project (Sept 2007)
Robert Hurt (Spitzer Science Center), Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/Hubble), Adrienne Gauthier (University of Arizona), Ryan Wyatt (California Academy of Sciences)
Poster (html)
Global Hands on Universe
- A framework for a virtual repository of outreach products (2004)
Lars Lindberg Christensen AVO Outreach and Education Coordinator Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre
Document (doc)
ST-ECF Newsletter
- A Framework for a Virtual Repository of Outreach Products (2004). Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility Newsletter, Volume 37, p.11
Link to NASA/ADS
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M82, as imaged by Chandra, Hubble and Spitzer telescopes

M42 as imaged by Spitzer and Hubble telescopes

Poster presented at the AAS2013 Conference in Long Beach, CA