Astronomy Visualization Metadata Standard
- Intended Scope of the AVM
- Metadata Management
- AVM Tagging Tool
- CSV to AVM tagging script
- Users Guide
- AVM Adobe Metadata Panels
- Examples of Tagged Images
- Chandra's Pinpoint WCS

1. Intended Scope of the AVM
The astronomical education and public outreach (EPO) community plays a key role in conveying the results of scientific research to the general public. A key product of EPO development is a variety of non-scientific public image resources, both derived from scientific observations and created as artistic visualizations of scientific results. This refers to general image formats such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, not scientific FITS datasets. Such resources are currently scattered across the internet in a variety of galleries and archives, but are not searchable in any coherent or unified way.
Just as Virtual Observatory (VO) standards open up all data archives to a common query engine, the EPO community will benefit greatly from a similar mechanism for image search and retrieval. Existing metadata standards for the Virtual Observatory are tailored to the management of research datasets and only cover EPO resources (like publication quality imagery) at the “collection” level and are thus insufficient for the needs of the EPO community.
The primary focus of the AVM is on print-ready and screen ready astronomical imagery, which has been rendered from telescopic observations (also known as “pretty pictures”). Such images can combine data acquired at different wavebands and from different observatories. While the primary intent is to cover data-derived astronomical images, there are broader uses as well. Specifically, the most general subset of this schema is also appropriate for describing artwork and illustrations of astronomical subject matter. This is covered in some detail in later sections.
The intended users of astronomical imagery cover a broad variety of fields: educators, students, journalists, enthusiasts, and scientists. The core set of required tags define the key elements needed in a practical database for identification of desired resources. For example, one might choose to search for images of the Crab Nebula that include both X-ray and visible light elements, or for any images within 2 degrees of a specified location on the sky that include at least some data from the Spitzer Space Telescope.
Future plans include “multimedia modules” and “planetarium modules” into the AVM standard.
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2. Metadata Management
Managed by:
Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project, Metadata Work Package (Robert Hurt)
These documents define metadata tags that describe the Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM). This metadata schema has been developed within the framework of the IAU Virtual Astronomy Multimedia Project (VAMP).
Current version
AVM Standard v1.2 Release Candidate 1
Previous AVM Versions
AVM Standard (Version 1.1)
The IVOA note for Version 1.0 September 2006 (Retired December 2007, previously called Astronomical Outreach Metadata):
AVM Version 1.0 PDF:
AOI Metadata Tags for the Virtual Observatory (PDF)
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3. AVM Tagging Tool
(November 2007)
The alpha version of the AVM Tagging Tool is now online! This web form will create an XMP formatted XML file of the AVM tags. This file can then be imported to Adobe Photoshop or Bridge to attach the metadata to the image via the XMP standard. You will still need the AVM Panels (see Users Guide below) to verify the metadata once in Adobe Photoshop/Bridge. Without the panels, you will not be able to review the tags from within the program(s).
Go to the AVM Tagging Tool
This tool works best with Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
Please see the Users Guide for directions on using our initial version of the AVM Tagging Tool.
If you would like to help with development of the AVM Tagging Tool, please contact Adrienne (
Our wish list for functionality for future versions of the AVM-TT includes:
- Subject.Category widget to auto-generate letter/number codes based off a collapsable hierarchy/taxonomy menu where the user navigates quickly and can click checkboxes to choose tags. The functionality/look&feel would be similiar to the Subject.Category generator in FITS Liberator.
- Ability for users to create accounts and upload/store XMP templates to the tool for automated fill-in of common tags to sets of images.
- Method for uploading an image and attaching the XML/XMP file to the header information without using Adobe Photoshop or Bridge (or some other free tool).
- Widget to read/interpret FITS headers from to auto-fill the WCS fields.
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4. CSV to AVM tagging script
The .zip file below contains php scripts that converts from a text file in comma separated format (csv) to xmp output that can be imported in Adobe Bridge (image by image) and "glue" the xmp info into the header of the tiff or jpeg file:
Download (9KB)
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5. Users Guide
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6. Adobe Metadata Panels
Adobe CS4 Beta Panels (Updated May 22, 2009)
AVM Adobe CS4 Metadata Panels
These are beta panels for Adobe CS4 applications. Please send inquires/bugs/comments to or
- Copy the folder AstronomyVisualization to:
- Mac OS X: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/2.0/panels/
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom
File Info Panels\2.0\panels\
- Windows Vista: C\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info
- Copy the file avm.cfg to:
- Mac OS X: /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#Security/FlashPlayerTrust/
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust
- Windows Vista: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash
- Edit avm.cfg to contain:
- Mac OS X:/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\2.0\panels\AstronomyVisualization\bin\AstronomyVisualization.swf
- Windows Vista: C\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info
Replace [username] with your computer user account name. If these folders do not exist create them.
Adobe Metadata Panels for pre-CS4 (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-1-Creator.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-2-Content.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-3-Observation.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-4-Coordinates.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-5-Publisher.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
AVM-6-FitsLiberator.txt (Updated Mar 25, 2008)
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7. Example of Tagged Images
- Download image.
- Open in Photoshop.
- Look at File Info and scroll through various menus.
- Compare with Appendix D of current AVM Document to see XMP output file.
7.1 Example files with XMP (AVM 1.1)
NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Spitzer Space Telescope
7.2 Example JPEG files with XMP (AVM 1.0 - deprecated)
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8. Chandra's Pinpoint WCS
This software simplifies retrieval of world coordinate system (WCS) data from FITS images for outreach astronomy images. Desktop planetarium packages aware of these data can intelligently position astronomical images on the digital sky lending a unique context to the outreach image. Read more on GitHub:
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